Born in St. Louis, Mo., I received his BFA from Saint Louis University. Afterwards I spent several years studying printmaking and sculpture at St. Louis Community College-Meramec before going on to receive my MFA in printmaking from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. I am now an Adjunct Professor in Printmaking/Design at STLCC-Meramec and Adjunct Professor in Computer Art/Printmaking and Printmaking at Saint Louis University.
Currently based in St. Louis, I have been exploring printmaking and sculpture as my primary form of art creation. Though my specialization is printmaking, I examine the dynamics of print and sculpture, persistently exploring both mediums as means to express personal and subjective commentary and narration. My work ranges from being sculpture-forward to printmaking-forward while other times the two blend seamlessly.
My overall body of work connects through the feeling of personal narrative, folklore, and ethos. The narratives act as transportation to a universe that blends emotional experiences, fantasy, and culture to create a mythos that is harrowing yet alluring. Beautiful colors, vibrant palettes, emotional gestures, organic forms, and cathartic vulnerability embody the allure; while darker concepts, traumatic realities, and emotionally scarred characters illustrate the harrowed. Within these worlds the alluring aspects reveals optimism, hopes and lateral thinking that insist within the human experience while acting as a form of enchantment. Only to be followed by the harrowed, which presents traumas that each character has internalized and seeks resolution from.