“Feast Your Size” Poster side Collaboration with Em Warner 11-layer Two-Sided Posterzine 11”x14” Poster Size
“Feast Your Size” Zine side Collaboration with Em Warner 11-layer Two-Sided Posterzine 11”x14” Poster Size
“Lumpyroom” Collaboration with Emily Elhoffer 8-layer Silkscreen with Flocking on Holographic Substrate 11”x14”
“Lumpyroom” Collaboration with Emily Elhoffer 8-layer Silkscreen with Flocking on Holographic Substrate 11”x14”
"Is Your Freedom Somebody Else's Oppression?" Collaboration with Vince Stemmler 5-layer silkscreen 11x14
"Is Your Freedom Somebody Else's Oppression?" Collaboration with Vince Stemmler 5-layer silkscreen 11x14
"Is Your Freedom Somebody Else's Oppression?" Collaboration with Vince Stemmler 5-layer silkscreen 11x14
"Is Your Freedom Somebody Else's Oppression?" Collaboration with Vince Stemmler 5-layer silkscreen 11x14
"Is Your Freedom Somebody Else's Oppression?" Collaboration with Vince Stemmler 5-layer silkscreen 11x14
"Is Your Freedom Somebody Else's Oppression?" Collaboration with Vince Stemmler 5-layer silkscreen 11x14