Located at 2616 Cherokee St, St. Louis, Mo., my mural explores the idea of connection, self and that which we dwell on. Simultaneously, my the image investigates the idea of escapism and indulgence. My work oftentimes explores harsh realities masked through the use of bright colors and magical realism. For this image the things the characters dwell on become the things they dwell in. As the big character seeks solace and/or escape through consuming, their internal self seeks to heal/escape/nourish through the same means. As the viewer, we get to see this external/ internal tension within each character knowing that the external character may ruin the chance for the internal character to do the same. While each character goes through their dilemma, utility poles surround them as a reference to connection, community and support.
This is made possible by a grant from Regional Arts Commission (RAC) and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). With these two entities the St. Louis Mural Project began I am very thankful  to be chosen as one of the 28 artist. With the help of some amazing students, friends, family and many others I was able to complete this massive mural. Special thank you to Dennis Bailey (Lift Expert/Height Specialist) and Nicky Nemcova (Solutions Manager/Color Master). They were instrumental in the completion of this project, Thank you! Thank you everyone who helped.
Thank you to those who help:
Dennis Bailey, Hannah Nash, Mikey Levar, Nat Theusch, Nicky Nemcova, Paulie, Robin Hattori, Sophie Allen, and many more
Thank you to Jason Deem, Emily Thenhaus, Cherokee Street Arts District, Southside spaces and many more

Blank Wall of 2616 Cherokee
Blank Wall of 2616 Cherokee
Digital Illustration
Digital Illustration
Digital Mockup of the Mural
Digital Mockup of the Mural
Full Mural
Full Mural
First Half of the Mural
First Half of the Mural
Back Half of the Mural
Back Half of the Mural
Close Up Beginning
Close Up Beginning
Close up Middle
Close up Middle
Close Up End
Close Up End
Mural Angled
Mural Angled
Primed Wall
Primed Wall
Projector Night
Projector Night
Projector Night
Projector Night
Sketch Wall
Sketch Wall
Midway Mural
Midway Mural
Midway Mural
Midway Mural
Midway Mural
Midway Mural
3/4 progress of the mural
3/4 progress of the mural
Full Mural
Full Mural
Behind the scenes and in progress photos
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